Introducing our new stunning Blush Pink Bouquet, the perfect addition to any home interior. This luxurious faux bouquet features the most realistic faux blush pink real touch roses, dahlias & ranunculus we could find mixed with blush pink and silver dollar eucalyptus stems. It's delicate and elegant design will add a touch of sophistication to any room, making it the perfect gift for yourself or a loved one. Bring the beauty of nature into your home with this stunning Blush Pink Bouquet.
Blush Pink Bouquet
Height: 100cm (longest stem of the blush eucalyptus) Can be bent or cut to size.
3 x Blush Pink Real Touch Roses
3 x Blush Powder Real Touch Dahlias
3 x Blush Pink Real Touch Ranunculus
2 x Blush Pink Eucalyptus Sprays
1 x Silver Dollar Eucalyptus Spray
Ships in 2-3 working days